Jennuine Pet Services

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Some may think this is just a "buzz-word" that floats around and sounds trendy... The reality is that offering your pets whole, fresh food options along with their diet is scientifically proven to boost immunity, provide antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and so many more amazing things!! Check out this research article on bladder cancer in dogs. They surmised that by adding leafy green/yellow-orange vegetables the risk was decreased dramatically.

The list is long. There are hundreds, even thousands of fresh food toppers you could add to your pets meals for a boost but today we will discuss the most popular and most beneficial ones!

We'll start with algaes. Spirulina, chlorella, phytoplankton and moringa are the main ones you will see on the market. Each of these options are a fantastic way to offer a variety of immune boosting benefits due to the high levels of antioxidants,carotenoids, chlorophyll, and essential fatty acids. Each one has a slightly different nutrient profile with targeted benefits.

Next up, we have eggs! Quail eggs, chicken eggs, duck eggs... Any of these are fantastic options for your pet! You can (and should) feed the whole egg where possible. It's important to note that store bought eggs are treated with a chemical bath which makes the shell unsafe to feed. You can peel out the eggshell membrane but toss the rest in the compost. Eggs are a great source of protein, omega fatty acids,calcium and they are one of the most complete sources available of amino acids. Egg shells are a great way to increase calcium in the diet for raw fed dogs who cannot tolerate raw meaty bones. They do not contain enough phosphorus or magnesium so those nutrients would have to be supplied elsewhere. They are also not a significant source of calcium for puppies!

You must provide raw fed puppies with fresh size safe consumable meaty bones to ensure their bones grow strong and they receive adequate amounts of calcium, phosphorous and other essential building blocks for good health.

Now, let's talk about berries! YES! You absolutely can add fruits to your pets bowls. However, if your dog is struggling with yeast overgrowth, reoccurring ear infections etc, then it's best to cut out all sources of carbohydrates, sugars and starch to starve the yeast and seek guidance on how to safely and naturally get back on track.

Cranberries contain several beneficial components including polyphenols, tannins and flavonoids. These components help reduce inflammation, fight allergies, manage UTI's and even help fight cancer!!

Blueberries are another antioxidant packed topper you can offer. They are packed with fiber and phytonutrients that help fend off oxidative stress in the body. They contain higher levels than any other food of a phytochemical called anthocyanin which gives them their colour. It helps improve cognition, lower blood sugar levels, decrease chronic inflammation and inhibit tumour growth.

Our next super food is fish. The smaller, the oilier, the better! Sardines, mackerel, herring, anchovies and smelt are the greatest additions for a number of reasons. It's best to avoid feeding excessive amounts of larger fish like salmon and tuna due to the presence of toxic heavy metals. Smaller fish do not contain such high levels due to their natural diet of plankton. Sardines contain plentiful amounts of omega-3, vitamin D and the low levels of mercury. The flesh of these small fish include iodine, selenium and copper which is very beneficial to good health. Feeding fresh fish is the absolute best way to offer omegas that improve skin and coat health, heart health, brain and eye function and help fight allergies. Many holistic professionals are beginning to advise against feeding canned fish due to the possibility of metal toxicity and yeast feeding off of the trace amounts that leach into the food when kept this way. Please also check the sodium content and be sure they are only canned in water and not oil.

Last but certainly not least on our list is MICROGREENS!! Yes, those adorable little sprouts you may be seeing pop up in your favourite grocery stores are an amazing addition to your pets bowls for many reasons! Microgreens are the most nutrient dense portion of a plants life cycle. Scientific research has shown that these powerful little seedlings contain anywhere between 40 and 400 times more nutrients than the fully matured plants. These nutrient dense powerhouses contain something called sulforaphane which triggers other actions in the body to create their own antioxidants! Each cell in your dog's body has an Nrf2 pathway. These receptors are responsible for detecting cellular damage, so you can see why you might want to boost this function in the body!

If your dog is picky with vegetables, you can purchase dehydrated microgreens from the wildly knowledgeable clinical pet nutritionist Bronwyn Farley at Dolce's Legacy . These microgreens are made 100% naturally with no pesticide, herbicide, additives of any kind and most importantly with so much love! You can choose your own or opt for the original blend. They also have an absolutely wonderful line of treats and jerky!

The takeaway? Forget what you've always been told about "dogs shouldn't eat people food". This is the most wildly inaccurate marketing scheme fueled lie that has managed to penetrate generations of families since the creation of commercially available "pet feed". FEED, NOT FOOD. 'Nough said! As always, you should still consult with your veterinarian, a certified nutritionist or herbalist before offering new plants, herbs or other additions to your pets diet.