Jennuine Pet Services

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If you’ve been here for a while, you will often see us referencing “balance and vitality.” You might all be wondering… What the heck is that and how do I know if I’ve achieved it!? Let’s dive in…

When we talk about finding balance and vitality, we’re talking about getting to a place in your pet’s life where they are happy, healthy, mentally stimulated, properly exercised, and fully supported in the best way with unconditional love! Each individual will have different levels of vitality at different stages in their lives. Seniors will no doubt require a very different support regimen than an 8 week old puppy that is brimming over with new life and excitement. These are just facts of life. As we (and our pets) age we have to accommodate their individual needs to support them in the best way possible. 

This will also look very different for pets suffering from allergies, immune disorders, cancer etc. The lucky ones who seem to coast through life with cast iron stomachs that can eat whatever they please without so much as a hiccup typically don’t require the same intensive support. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t focus on offering high quality species appropriate nutrition and choosing a holistic path. It is just that much more important to make careful decisions for our sensitive ones.

Another layer that alters what balance and vitality looks like for each individual is closely related to their energetics. You cannot force a weak and ill pet to suddenly become their former puppy self with a few diet changes and some herbal support. Sometimes, balance and vitality looks like getting up for a morning pee and curling back up in their favourite sunny spot in the house to recharge for the next meal or your next outing. Sometimes, it looks like waking up bright and squirrely ready to take on the day, but burning out half way through because their arthritis gets the best of them.

Some days or even weeks and months will be better or worse than others. When you are dealing with severe imbalances in the body, there are often ups and downs or “flare ups” that get easier to manage as time goes by and you learn how to pinpoint triggers.

Balance and vitality is a mentality. It’s reaching for the sky, but landing amongst the stars. That’s okay! As frustrating as it might be along the way, you have to give yourself some much needed grace and credit for embarking on your own journey.